Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My final resting place

This is it! This is where my soul finally rests in peace. I had followed Romeo and saw him buy a poison from an apothecary. Then I went to the tomb where beloved Juliet lays. I saw Romeo, slaying County Paris, but he went to the tomb with a poison and drank it. Romeo died as Juliet awoken from her deep sleep and saw Romeo dead on the floor and took his dagger and stabbed herself. Now my cousins died and when the Prince arrived and the two houses made peace, my spirit started to float up. I went up past the clouds into heaven.

"But if thou, jealous, dost not pry in what I further shall intend to do, by heaven, I will tear thee joint by joint and strew this hungry churchyard with thy limbs." Romeo Act 5, scene 3 lines 33-36. This is a significant quote because the theme of this is jealousy. Jealousy is a theme because Romeo thinks that Paris is jealous that Juliet loved him first. This quote has some foreshadowing because Romeo says, " I will tear thee joint by joint and strew this hungry churchyard with thy limbs." This creates foreshadowing because it contradicts that Romeo will slay Paris. This is how this quote has literary significance.

Still wondering around the dark earth

I went to the church to ask God to send me to heaven, but there I saw the county Paris. He was discussing wedding plans with Friar Laurence. Soon after Juliet arrived Paris left. She was planning something with the old man, but i did not catch every single detail. After knowing that she had really loved Romeo, I know what i had to do, protect Juliet. After nightfall, I was in Juliet's room. I landed my dead hand on her rose soft cheeks as she drank a vial of potion and laid on her bed. I saw my cousin's family weep over here "death" the next morning.

"Of all my buried ancestors are pack'd; Where bloody Tybalt, yet but green in earth, lies festering in his shroud..." Juliet Act 4 scene 3, line 41-43. The theme of this quote is that Tybalt is not really dead, but rotting in the depths of the earth. This is the theme because Tybalt's soul is not rotting because of regular body decay, he is decaying because Juliet is crying for both Tybalt's soul and his memories with her. This is foreshadowing because Juliet will end up in her families tomb at the end of the story. This is why this quote has so much significance.

Tybalt- unrested soul on earth

Oh joy, I am dead! Why you ask? It is because that villain, Romeo, had killed me. This all began when me and my posse went up to know... I could not believe I said this, but i wanted to find Romeo. Then the pesky Mercutio Escalus, son of the prince, was trying to make a fool out of me on my turf. Then as Romeo arrived, "Brave" Mercutio finally ticked me off with the cat comment. So i drew out my sword and was dueling him The next thing I knew, Romeo came in and tried to stop my fight. I went sneaky and stabbed Mercutio, killing him. Obviously it wasn't the kill i was looking for but it was well worth the adrenaline rush. I decided to leave Romeo so that we could prepare for the ultimate duel yet. By the time I came back, Romeo was as mad as bull with wings. We fought, I fell and I died. I saw my whole my flash before my life. I saw me in my mothers arms and me growing up into adulthood as I saw the shining light. I am now the undead soul on earth.

" You shall find me apt enough to that, sir, an you will give occasion" Tybalt Act 3 scene 1 line 41-42. The significance of this quote is that the theme is foreshadowing. It is foreshadowing because later Tybalt and Mercutio fight. This creates suspense because the audience will not know when Tybalt will burst and fight. This is how this quote has a literary significance in Act 3.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Tybalt. Roaming the streets

I was wondering around Uncle Capulets Mansion after that tiring when i heard those wretched Montagues looking for their dear Romeo. I thought that he was going to kill himself. After when I was about to go back home, i saw someone with My cousin, Juliet. He was about that villain Romeo's height... But who am i kidding, a Monatgue and a Capulet, that is IMPOSSIBLE! As I left confession from church the day after, I saw the vile Romeo, all dressed in nice clothing. He was waiting for someone.... but who could it be? Then I saw it! It was Juliet. I knew no one would believe me so i will do the most honourable thing, To Kill Romeo!

"More than a prince of cats i can tell you. O, he is the courageous captain of complements. he fights as you sing prick-song; keeps time,distance,and proportion; rests me in his minim rest, one, two, and the third in your bossom:the very butcher of a silk button, a duellist, a duellist, a gentleman of the very first house, of the first and second cause."- Mercutio Act 2, scene 4 page 111 line 19-25. The literary significance in this is that a theme is a metaphor. It is a metaphor because Mercutio compares Tybalt to a cat. Also this is a monologue. This is a monologue because Mercutio is saying a speech that everyone can here, well only Benvolio.

Friday, November 14, 2008

A Fight and Masquerade

Well all I can say is that the fight was not violent enough for me. The fight was obviously started by me. All those bystanders should of been cheering for the live entertainment. Since that stupid Prince Escalus banned everyone from causing a fray in the city of Verona with death. I'm not scared, I will just going for the right moment to have another fight. I will just have to wait...

My family had a masquerade party when all of a sudden, that villain Romeo had shown up to disrupt our party. When I heard his voice, I knew it was him. My uncle, Capulet, had me to not fight or touch the thing of evil. Forcing myself to obey my uncle's orders, I ignored the fact that Romeo was there. I soon left afterwords. I just hope that runt dies.

"This, by this voice, should be a Montague... What dares the slave come hither, cover'd with an antic face, to fleer and scorn at our solemnity?Now, by the stock and honour of my kin, to strike him dead i hold it not a sin." 1-5 page 65 line 54-59. The literary significance in this quote is that it is revealing that Tybalt has honour when he fights against the Montagues. The theme which is set in this quote is honour because Tybalt says " By the stock and honour of my kin...." and kin means family. This quote shows dramatic irony because we , the audience, knows that Romeo does not know that Tybalt knows that he is there. This is the literary significance in this Act and quote.